Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kora Grass Crafts


Kora mats are extremely reliable and can be easily folded. Kora grass grows abundantly along the banks of the rivers. The process of creating the mat is complex and painstaking. In its original form the grass is green in colour and normally grows to a height of 3-4 feet. The grass for the mats is cut very fine, while it is still green. The inside white pith of the stem is removed with a sharp-edged knife while the outer part of the stem is used for weaving. The counts of the mat depend on how many strips the grass is cut into; the greater the numbers of strips from each stem, the higher the count. The strips of grass are then dried in the hot sun.

When the dried grass strips turn a yellowish greenish colour, they are boiled in a pot of water and dried again. The dried grass is made up into bundles and soaked in running water for 3-7 days. This wetting causes the grass to swell up to three times its original size. It is then dried again in the sun. The weaving is done on a floor loom. The process is slow and follows a basket weave pattern. Once the weaving is complete, the mat is dried in the sun for a short while. The mats woven are very fine with counts ranging from 100 to 140. It is then finished with a polishing stone. For dyeing the grass both natural and chemical dyes are used.


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